Geese hanging out in the camp ground at Prairie Lake:
We drove back into Springfield Tuesday to check out the Lincoln Library, house and tomb among other things. The Lincoln Library is directly across from the Lincoln Museum downtown and it turns out is an active research center and holds no viewable Lincoln history or memorabilia.
We then walked across to the center square where the beautiful, restored train station houses a couple of movie sets used in Spielberg's movie "Lincoln". Very cool to see the sets up close and the painstaking detail used to recreate the rooms, clothes and Lincoln personal items.
Old Springfield train depot
Sets from the movie "Lincoln"
Then we drove past the old state capitol building not in use at this time..... visit the Lincoln house. But as we were thirsty, we stopped for a brew at Obed and Isaacs Brewery where I had a very nice ale and Mike had an IPA, of course!
Obed and Isaac Brewery |
Then it was on to tour the Lincoln House:
Lincoln's home 1837-1860. Originally a one story, added on to after marriage and family grew |
In the formal living room/parlor,
the the black horse hair furniture
belonged to the Lincoln's
Lincoln's tiny desk! Hard to imagine the
6'4" man working here for hours
at a time!
Lincoln's Tomb, a beautiful monument and tribute to a great man:
Lincoln's Tomb |
Front entry to the tomb with corridors opening to left and right |
Small replicas of larger Lincoln statues found elsewhere in the country adorn the halls:
corridor leading to Lincoln's resting place |
Lincoln's remains are buried several feet under ground below this red marble headstone |
Mary Todd and 3 of their 4 sons are entombed directly across from Lincoln
In front of the tomb Mike rubs Lincoln's nose for luck |