Saturday, October 31, 2015

Sequoia NP and the 3 Bears???

Our first day up in Sequoia was awesome and the day ended with quite a treat! Sequoia is all about the red woods and they are every where!  They are so huge and live so long and can endure so much. It is pure pleasure to walk among them!

The Sentinel Tree dwarfs the visitor center

The Big Tree Trail is a great little trail to see lots of sequoias and learn all about them

The Twins
 We did the Moro Rock/Soldier Trail Loop which takes you through beautiful groves of sequoias and
an ascent up Moro Rock.  Pictured below from a view point along the trail.  The Soldier Trail took
us through one of the least visited areas of the park. We were alone on that section in a light rain and
mist and it was amazing!

I squeezed in to check out the hollowed out, badly burned giant
pictured below.  As you can see,
It is still very much alive with
large branches growing out of the
upper left of the trunk!

Here we go up the 300 steps to visit Moro Rock. Wow!  The clouds moved in and swirled around us
and it was awesome!

There trees grew in the same spot here!

Tunnel log with the mist moving in

Mike is standing in the burnt our area of this giant, note the pedestal roots

here we are under the same tree

It started raining and the colors popped!!!!!

 On our way home we saw these
three bears up in a tree eating acorns!  The tree was next to the road and the bear in this pic was over hanging the road!

You can see the light bear in this pic, the other 2 were further right in the same tree


  1. WOW WOW WOW! eVERYTHING ABOUT THIS DAY LOOKS awesome! Can you tell I wish I was there!?!?!?!

    If you ever have the chance to see the documentary "Climbing Redwood Giants"...see it! It is excellent!

  2. I love Sequoia Lisa, love it! Will have to check out that doc, thanks!


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