After throughly exploring the battlefield, we did a walking tour of Gettysburg and visited the Knob Hall Winery tasting room and then popped over to the Battlefield Brew Works for a nice IPA!
Lincoln Gettysburg Address Memorial located near where he gave the speech at the cemetery |
Soldiers National Monument in Gettysburg Cemetery , on the actual spot of Lincolns Gettysburg Address |
Indiana Monument |
the Eternal Light Peace Memorial |
Tennessee Memorial |
North Carolina Memorial, American sculptor Gutzon Borglum (Mt Rushmore) |
Virginia Memorial |
Florida Memorial |
Louisiana Memorial |
Mississippi Memorial |
very touching memorial showing brothers on opposite sides dressed in their respective uniforms helping each other after the battle |
note the upright cannon, headquarters marker, to the back right. this house was Lee's headquarters |
the train station in Gettysburg where Lincoln arrived to give the Gettysburg Address |
Several buildings still bear reminders of the war
with projectiles imbedded in walls and scars
from rifle shots
Note the projectile under the window
Below, the side of the Farnsworth house was
riddled with bullet holes, all the little white
specks you see
David Willis house, you can see the room Lincoln stayed in the night before giving his 3 minute speech |
Many of the building in Gettysburg are originals from the Civil War era |
we enjoyed Gettysburg. Did you go to the visitor center and follow the 3 days of war. That really helps before doing the road tour.