Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Perrot State Park, Trempealeau, WI

We did a lovely hike in Perrot State Park a few days ago.  Situated on the Mississippi River,  a couple of trails at this forrest park have great vistas from bluffs overlooking the river.  As you can see from the pics below, you can get a great work out.  We climbed hundreds of rock and wooden stairs much of which was constructed originally by the CCC.

Starting out our steep climb on the Bradys Bluff Trail

it is really hard to understand how wide the Mississippi is until you are looking down on it

looking across the Mississippi at Winona, Minnesota

Looking down and lock and dam #6, one of many dams on the great river

a fun, beautiful trail

a very striking dragonfly with
its white body and black wings
a blue mushroom

a statue to honor the founder of Trempealeau, James Allen Reed, looks towards old Main Street

at Dam #6 we stopped to watch a houseboat go through the lock

1 comment:

  1. A blue mushroom...cool! These photos remind me of hiking along the Columbia River Gorge. Beautiful!


Spam Museum, Austin, Minnesota

We were staying just a few miles away in Blooming Prairie and, of course, were going into Austin to a couple of breweries....how could we no...