Tuesday, September 10, 2013


With only one more full day here after today, we headed towards the northeast area of the park.  This was the only segment of the main park we had not explored.  We saw large areas of older forest.  Forest that had not burned in the 1988 fires.  The hike we chose was in the Tower area, the Lost Lake Trl and the description read that we might see black bear so we were hoping for the best.

We never saw black bear but we saw moose and a pronghorn!

Small elk herd enjoying the misty morning water of the Madison River
 Nice to see this mature forested area....
 No that is not smoke!  Just steam from a hydrothermal area

 This is Tower Falls, beautiful setting!

 This basalt wall actually overhung the road and had Mike a little nervous!

 Yep, they have bison in the northeast area of the park as well;)
 The Petrified Log.  It was interesting to me because it is the first time I've seen petrified wood still vertical in the ground.
 Our baby moose.....
 Next to mom laying down in a meadow near beautiful Lost Lake......
 The baby got up and moved closer to mom but mom never moved the half hour or more we stood there watching.......

 We were ecstatic to see them after being told many times we probably not see moose in the park!!
 A deer on the edge of Lost Lake
 And a pronghorn in a nearby field
 Oh look, more bison!
 We had to drive past Mammoth again so here are a few more pics of that stunning hot springs

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful animal sightings! Those spire-like rocks around the falls were neat. I bet you will miss all the animals once you leave the area. Amazing that the animals are so used to people!


Spam Museum, Austin, Minnesota

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